Saturday, March 24, 2012
Israel bans underweight models
All I can say is about time!! We place so much pressure on ourselves to fit some unrealistic idea on what is apparently attractive. Since when did a size nothing become attractive? I know I am not immune to it. I know I am not unattractive, but I still look at myself in the mirror and find the faults, things I don't like, things I wish I could change about myself.
So I say well done Israel. It is about time someone put their foot down and made people see some reason.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Where do you go?????
So it is pretty straight forward to say that I dropped off through face of the earth for a while there. In my defence I recently had some surgery that was more than a little painful. That brings me to my musings today.
Pain tolerances.
Its quite funny to me to see the vast differences in peoples ability to withstand pain. Is it all just a mental thing or is there a chemical imbalance or difference in those people who cannot stand any great amounts of pain compared with other people. I consider myself someone who has a fairly high pain threshold but this recent surgery even had me in tears at varying times. I would say, even with all the injuries and tattoos I have, the only things that hurt more were third degree burns I sustained to my arm one year and my torn acl and meniscus in my knee. Even that is closely on par to the pain I experienced after the LIS procedure.
Would people say men have a higher pain tolerances than women? Some would say no given women endure child birth and the like but others might be inclined to think they do given the labor type jobs and working conditions men traditionally kept in the past. I am not entirely sure. I think it depends on the type of pain and the reason for it. Almost any pain is endurable I think if it is for something more valuable. Women endure the pain of childbirth because they are bringing life into the world. People endure the pain of wounds/injuries because their life is more valuable (when the wound doesn't claim it obviously).
I think it comes down to mental toughness, preparedness and I do believe or a
least wonder if there is anything scientific to point to a legitimate explanation of why pain thresholds differ between individuals.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Road rage
Watch "Road Rage - A Current Affair - 16 Nov 2011" on YouTube
Now we all know what this is like. Being cut off by some idiot who can't work out where they are going or getting stuck behind that car doing 80 in a 100 zone for no reason other than they don't know how to drive at the right limit. If you don't want to exceed th speed limit that's fine but if you can't even do the signed limit then you shouldn't be driving on that road.
I dont condone any kind of violent response to something another driver might do. I admit that from time to time I will vent and yell within my own car but I am very conscious of not allowing my frustration affect how I am driving. I am very aware of making sure I am not contributing to endangering other road users. But personally I do not think that enough gets done to counter people that cause situations which lead to road rage. Sometimes the idiot who speeds or drives erratically gets pulled over and given a ticket. Most times they don't. But I have never seen the police pull over someone who drives significantly below through signed speed without adequate reason. I experience this every time I drive to work. Even though it is clearly a 100 zone people refuse to do more than 80 on the straight stretch of road leading down to the base. I cannot tell you how many accidents there have been on that stretch of road from people impatiently trying to overtake. Now you probably sit there thinking its their own fault, and partially it is. But does the person who decides they don't want to drive at the right speed not also play a part? Does their actions not contribute to the situation?
road rage is not always, though it is most times, the result of someone doing something dangerous or driving wildly. And whilst I agree that the main focus should still remain on those individuals who do something dangerous or risky, shouldn't some attention also be paid to the other side of the coin - those people who lack the ability or confidence to drive appropriately and as a result contribute to the irrational responses and/or actions of other motorists who are directly affected by them?